Thursday, December 24, 2009

Top scorers in PMR increase

PUTRAJAYA: A total of 28,188 students got As in all their subjects in this year's PMR examinations compared to 26,378 in 2008.

This is an increase of 1,810 students.

Education Director-General Tan Sri Alimuddin Mohd Dom said the National Average Grade (GPN) this year was 2.78 compared to 2.83 the previous year.

(The lower the GPN the better).

He said the gap between candidates in urban and rural areas had improved to 5.22 percent from 5.11 percent last year.

"Some 4,775 rural candidates got As in all their subjects this year compared to 4,345 in 2008 while students who passed the minimum level dropped from 88,565 to 87,936.

"Students who got all Es dropped from 159 in 2008 to 123 this year," he told reporters when announcing the 2009 PMR result analysis here on Thursday. - Bernama

Friday, December 18, 2009

PMR results out on Dec 24

KUALA LUMPUR: The results of the 2009 Penilaian Menengah Rendah (PMR) examination will be announced on Dec 24, Education director-general Tan Sri Alimuddin Mohd Dom said on Thursday.

Students can obtain the results from their schools from 10am on that day while private candidates will receive theirs by mail, he said in a statement.

A total of 475,182 candidates sat for the examination. -- Bernama

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Britannica Illustrated Science Library – The Universe

Download here

A good reference when learning Chapter 9 (Form 3) - Star and Galaxy

Credits to

Britannica Illustrated Science Library – Rock & Minerals

Download here

A good reference when learning Chapter 6 (Form 3) - Land and Its Resources

Credits to

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

How to study science?


Science should be studied like anything else to start with - memorize the terms and definitions, take good notes, and learn how things work. One part of science that is more similar to math is to be sure you work out the problems and do the experiments so that you will really understand what is going on. Science is based on facts learned from experiment - what we understand depends on what we can study, and science is always changing as our ability to study the world increases. Look at your notes and write them down so you know the them in your head.

Any comments?

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Taken from Mingguan Malaysia - Apa pandangan guru-guru?

Cikgu Sains terbaca berita ni dalam Mingguan apa pandangan cikgu-cikgu/ibubapa/pelajar sekalian?

Sunday, November 22, 2009

From HIJRI 1431 DATANG LAGI – Pendaftaran Dibuka

KEM HIJRI 1431 DATANG LAGI – Pendaftaran Dibuka
Abu Saif 17/11/2009 9:00 pm 1,618 views Print Email

Kem Hijrah Remaja Islam (HIJRI) merupakan sebuah kem percutian yang diadakan khusus untuk musim cuti sekolah dan pasca peperiksaan, bersempena dengan kedatangan Tahun Baru Hijrah 1431. Program ini dibentuk khusus untuk mengisi keperluan remaja semasa yang berdepan dengan pelbagai cabaran, sebahagiannya sulit untuk difahami oleh generasi ibu bapa. Kecelaruan membabitkan persoalan pandangan hidup (worldview), agama, nilai, emosi, cinta, akademik dan kerjaya masa depan. Kepercayaan bahawa remaja perlu difahami sebelum mengharapkan mereka memahami, menjadi asas kepada lahirnya KEM HIJRAH REMAJA ISLAM (HIJRI)

“Kamu adalah apa yang kamu percaya” merupakan kaedah yang menjelaskan tentang peri pentingnya PARADIGMA atau cara melihat sesuatu. Inilah fungsi penting Aqidah iaitu mengubah cara manusia memandang; melihat kehidupan dari perspektif Pencipta kehidupan. Justeru Kem Hijrah Remaja Islam (HIJRI) kali ini menekankan kepada usaha untuk melakukan anjakan paradigma yang holistik membabitkan topik-topik berikut:

Huraian Hadith Jibril a.s. tentang Iman, Islam dan Ihsan dalam konteks Input, Proses dan Output. Merawat kesilapan 7 buta meraba gajah agar al-Deen tidak difahami secara serpihan. Cabaran keluarga dan pembangunan ekstrim juga terbit dari hadith yang sama.

Kenal diri kenallah Ilahi… segmen yang membawa peserta meneroka potensi dan batasan diri untuk sampai kepada soalan “mengapa hidup perlu berTuhan”. Peserta mencari sebab beribadah sebelum mendalami kaifiyat ibadah. Kuasa percaya sebagai kunci untuk berjaya adalah sari pati segmen ini.

Ibadah ialah mekanisma yang memproses Iman dengan cara-cara yang diajar petunjuk Nabawi, supaya terbit kualiti Ihsan. Adalah salah menganggap bahawa seseorang itu baik kerana bersolat, sebaliknya bersolatlah untuk menjadi baik. Solat itu proses, baik itu adalah hasil.

Ihsan itu cemerlang. Motonya adalah “Buat Habis Baik”. Iman yang diproses Ibadah, menghasilkan baik kepada Tuhan, baik kepada insan dan alam kehidupan, baik kepada pelajaran dan pekerjaan. Kemuncak agama adalah Akhlaq. “Aku diutus untuk menyempurnakan kemuliaan Akhlaq,” mesej Nabawi yang menjadi kata kunci.

Manusia makhluq sinergi. Berdikari bukan pada hidup sendiri. Ibu bapa paling utama, pergaulan teman harus ada panduan. Pengurusan emosi satu kemestian, cinta dan cita-cita perlukan penyelarasan.

Misi dan visi Khalifah Allah, hidup berperanan menyumbang faedah. Setiap manusia dilahirkan bukan bodoh vs pandai, tetapi berbeza-beza keistimewaan. Peserta diajak mencari minat dan bakat, disuntik disiplin, perkongsian pengalaman dan nasihat. Forum kerjaya oleh tokoh berjaya, agar jalan ke depan cerah kelihatan.

Proses pembelajaran dilakukan secara interaktif dengan bantuan alat audio dan visual, sinergi kerja dalam kumpulan, aktiviti indoor dan outdoor, segmen bicara hati ke hati, serta fasilitator yang setia berada sepanjang masa untuk akses yang optimum.
Hubungan dan akses yang optimum di antara peserta dengan pasukan fasilitator menjadi keutamaan kami.

Kem Hijrah Remaja Islam (HIJRI) dianjurkan oleh Saifulislam Training & Consultancy (001813528-P) , iaitu sebuah syarikat latihan dan perundingan pembangunan insan milik Hj Hasrizal Abdul Jamil, atau lebih dikenali sebagai Abu Saif. Bermula dari sebuah blog interaktif yang menampilkan bahan-bahan pemikiran yang segar, Abu Saif melangkah setapak ke hadapan dengan menubuhkan syarikatnya sendiri agar segala idea yang telah banyak dimanfaatkan oleh pembaca semenjak 1998, dapat diterjemahkan kepada modul latihan yang meletakkan remaja, mahasiswa/i dan warga kerja sebagai kelompok sasaran. Graduan Universiti Mu’tah di Jordan, Mantan Minister of Religion di Ireland Utara, pernah muncul di CNN, BBC dan media tempatan, Abu Saif pasti menawarkan keunikan untuk dakwah dan program latihan pembangunan insan.
Kami menerima banyak permintaan daripada ibu bapa, agar menganjurkan kursus-kursus untuk anak remaja, khususnya di musim cuti sekolah ini. Setelah banyak aspek dipertimbangkan, berserta usaha mendapatkan sebuah pasukan yang benar-benar mantap untuk memimpin agenda ini, kami mengucapkan rasa syukur kepada Allah kerana KEM HIJRI 1430 yang berlangsung pada Disember 2008 telah berjalan dengan cemerlang dan kini mengumumkan sesi kedua KEM HIJRI khusus untuk remaja di musim cuti sekolah 2009 kali ini.

Kem Hijrah Remaja Islam 1431H ini, adalah sebuah program bersifat residential, yang kami tawarkan khusus untuk anak-anak remaja berusia di antara 13 ke 19 tahun. Program ini menggabungkan segala unsur pembelajaran membabitkan kuliah, latihan dalam kumpulan, permainan interaktif, aktiviti outdoor, serta slot-slot bicara hati ke hati, bukan sekadar untuk menyampaikan mesej kepada peserta, malah untuk kami menyelami isi hati, berusaha memahami dan seterusnya berkongsi pandangan secara yang lebih eksklusif kepada peserta KEM HIJRI ini.

Idea Tasawwur Islam yang segar, dinamik, kontemporari dan praktikal, akan disampaikan kepada remaja dengan bahasa remaja, bersama harapan agar proses untuk menjiwai dan mengamalkan hasil KEM HIJRI ini akan lebih mudah dan sesuai dengan panca roba kehidupan mereka yang serba mencabar hari ini.

Kami juga menawarkan ruang untuk peserta-peserta berdialog dengan fasilitator jemputan yang berlatarkan pelbagai bidang pengajian yang syariatik juga saintifik untuk sumbangsaran perancangan pelajaran dan kerjaya mereka nanti. Terima kasih kepada teman-teman saya yang begitu ikhlas dan bersemangat untuk berkongsi pengalaman mereka belajar di universiti terkemuka, dan kini berjaya sebagai profesional di bidang masing-masing.
KEM HIJRI INI akan mencakupi 6 Topik Dasar iaitu:

Meneroka rupa bentuk Islam (IPO Input Proses dan Output pada Iman, Islam dan Ihsan)
Muslim pada Aqidah, Ibadah dan Akhlaq, yang banyak menekankan aspek MENGAPA disusuli BAGAIMANA

Meneroka aplikasi konsep Syariatullah dan Sunnatullah untuk kecemerlangan holistik peserta
Pengurusan Emosi dan Cinta Remaja
Memulihkan Nilai Kekeluargaan dan Interaksi Sosial
Merancang Pembelajaran dan Kerjaya

KEM HIJRI ini dianjurkan oleh Saifulislam Training & Consultancy, syarikat persendirian milik saya, berteraskan gagasan idea yang sejak sekian lama menjadi teras kepada wacana di Saifulislam.Com. Penubuhan syarikat ini adalah untuk memenuhi kriteria Sunnatullah yang menghendaki usaha dakwah dan penyebaran al-Haq dilakukan secara bersistem dan tersusun.
Program bakal diadakan Insya Allah di Nur Lembah Pangsun Training Camp & Eco Resort, Hulu Langat. Lokasi terkenal ini menawarkan persekitaran yang segar, selamat, bersama fasiliti perkhemahan yang sempurna. Layari halaman web Nur Lembah Pangsun untuk keterangan lanjut mengenai lokasi pilihan kami ini.

Kepada ibu bapa yang berminat untuk menghantar anak mereka berkampung dan berwacana bersama saya dan barisan fasilitator kami, jangan berlengah untuk mendaftarkan anak anda dengan menggunakan borang online, atau dengan menghubungi nombor perhubungan yang tertera di di bawah.

Kami memberikan sepenuh komitmen kepada program ini. 3 hari 2 malam adalah umur anak remaja anda yang menjadi amanah kepada kami untuk berkongsi pengetahuan serta pengalaman, demi menyambut kedatangan tahun 1431H sebagai detik perubahan dengan penuh makna dan semangat untuk berjuang juga cemerlang.

Ketemu kami di Nur Lembah Pangsun!
Haji Hasrizal Abdul JamilSaifulislam Training & Consultancy
p/s: anak saya kecik lagi..kalau tak mau jugak hantar kem ustaz ni...

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Keputusan Pertandingan Toyota Eco-Youth Peringkat Kebangsaan Tahun 2009

Keputusan Pertandingan Toyota Eco-Youth Peringkat Kebangsaan Tahun 2009
Tarikh : 6-8 Oktobor 2009
Tempat: Hotel Concorde, Shah Alam. Selangor

Johan : SMK Dato Onn. Pulau Pinang
- Menerima hadiah RM 5000.00 & Sijil

Naib Johan : SMK Bandar Putra, Kulai. Johor
- Menerima hadiah RM 4000.00 & Sijil

Tempat Ke-3: SMKA Pahang, Pahang
- Menerima hadiah RM 3000.00 & Sijil

Tempat Ke-4: SMK Pantai, Labuan
- Menerima hadiah RM 2000 & Sijil

Tempat Ke-5: SMK Taman Ria Jaya, Kedah
Best Presentation: SMK Taman Ria Jaya. Kedah
- Menerima hadiah RM 1000.00

Best Exhibition: SMK St. Francis, Melaka
- Menerima hadiah RM 1000.00

Best Website: SMK Pantai, Labuan
- Menerima hadiah RM 1000.00

SMK Dato' Onn Triumphs In Toyota Eco Youth Programme

SHAH ALAM, Oct 8 (Bernama) -- Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan (SMK) Dato' Onn Butterworth came out top in the Toyota Eco Youth Programme 2009, winning RM5,000 on Thursday.The programme is a collaboration between UMW Toyota Motor Sdn Bhd and the Education Ministry since 2001 to cultivate environmental awareness and love for the environment among high school students through environmental management projects they participate in.
SMK Dato' Onn team led by Form Four student Muhammad Ahza Mohamad Desa and comprising seven other members, captured the hearts of the panel of judges with their project to reduce, reuse and recycle water in their school.The project managed to address the high water bill in their school by fitting the more efficient spring-loaded taps in the toilets to cut water drip, harvesting rain water for reuse, and recycling laundry water using micro- organisms for watering the school garden.One of the teachers who supervised them, Chek Ramlah Abdul Samad, 51, said through the 3Rs (reduce, reuse and recycle), the school managed to reduce its water bill which was about RM600 a month by 34.8 per cent from the initial target of 20 per cent.
The first runner-up in the competition was SMK Bandar Putra, Kulai, Johor which received RM4,000 and the second runner-up, SMK Agama Pahang, Bandar Muazzam, which won RM3,000.
SMK Taman Ria Jaya, Sungai Petani, Kedah won the best presentation award, SMK St Francis Melaka won the best exhibition award, while SMK Pantai Labuan won the best website. Each of these schools received RM1,000.
UMW Toyota Motor executive director Aminar Rashid Salleh said at the closing of the competition here that the Toyota Eco Youth Programme had raised awareness and appreciation for the environment among the young.After nine years of its implementation, the company's annual corporate social responsibility programme had benefited 136 schools involving 912 participants, he said.
This year, 16 schools representing the states and federal territories participated in the competition, which was a culmination of their six-month projects before presenting them at the two-day convention and exhibition beginning on Wednesday.
Aminar Rashid said the programme would mark its 10th anniversary next year with the introduction of the "Sustainability Award" to encourage this year's participants to sustain their projects at their respective schools.The Education ministry's director of Teacher Education Dr Khair Yusuf presented the awards and prizes on behalf of Education director-general Tan Sri Alimuddin Md Dom.-- BERNAMA

Monday, September 28, 2009

Terengganu Trial PMR 2009

Paper 2
Question 1: Form 1 - Matter
Question 2: Form 1 - Properties of metal & non-metal
Question 3: Form 2 - Food Web/Food Chain/Biological Control
Question 4: Form 2 - Work
Question 5: Form 3 - Menstrual cycle
Question 6: Form 3 - Electric Circuit
Question 7: Form 1 - Density
Question 8: Form 2 - Solution
Download here or here

Download here or here

Friday, September 25, 2009

Latih Tubi PMR JPN Kedah Set 3 & Set 4

Set 3

Paper 2 : Download here

Answers: Download here

Set 4

Paper 2 : Download here

Answers: Download here

Credit to all those JUs yang contribute soalan-soalan ni..Hopefully dapat jadi ilmu yang bermanfaat..TQ..

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Latih Tubi PMR JPN Kedah Set 2

Paper 1
Download here

Paper 2
Download here

Paper 1 : Download here
Paper 2 : Download here

Credit to all those JUs yang contribute soalan-soalan ni..Hopefully dapat jadi ilmu yang bermanfaat..TQ..

Coming soon - Latih Tubi PMR JPN Kedah 2009 Set 3

Monday, September 14, 2009

Tubi PMR JPN Kedah 2009 Set 1

Paper 1
Download here

Paper 2
Download here

Paper 1 : Download here
Paper 2 : Download here

Credit to all those JUs yang contribute soalan-soalan ni..Hopefully dapat jadi ilmu yang bermanfaat..TQ..

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Sarawak Trial PMR 2009

Paper 1
Download here

Paper 2
Question 1: Form 3 - Heart
Question 2: Form 1 - Air Around Us
Question 3: Form 2 - Interaction/Food Web
Question 4: Form 2 - Electrolysis
Question 5: Form 1 - Transfer of heat
Question 6: Form 3 - Electrical power transmission and distribution system/Transformer
Question 7: Form 3 - Flowers
Question 8: Form 1 - Pendulum
Download here

Tq to Cikgu Adham

Pahang Trial PMR 2009

Paper 1
Download here

Paper 2
Question 1: Form 1 - Chapter 1
Question 2: Form 3 - Structure of the sun
Question 3: Form 3 - Pollination
Question 4: Form 2 - Electrolysis
Question 5: Form 1 - Combustion
Question 6: Form 2 - Photosynthesis
Question 7: Form 2 - Support systems for plants
Question 8: Form 3 - Rate of evaporation
Download here

TQ to Cikgu Dahlia

For other subjects download at

Kelantan Trial PMR 2009

Paper 1
Download here

Paper 2
Question 1: Form 2 - Ears
Question 2: Form 1 - Types of Energy
Question 3: Form 1 - Living things need air for respiration
Question 4: Form 2 - Acid & alkali
Question 5: Form 2 - Menstruation
Question 6: Form 3 - Magnetism
Question 7: Form 1 - Electrical Conductivity
Question 8: Form 2 - Solution
Download here

Tq to

Schema for SBP Trial PMR 2009

Cikgu dah upload skima jawapan untuk SBP Trial PMR. Harap dapat membantu.
Download here

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

SBP Trial PMR 2009

Paper 1
Download here

Paper 2
Question 1: Form 1 - Chapter 1
Question 2: Form 1 - Food Pyramid
Question 3: Form 2 - Food Chain/Pyramids of numbers
Question 4: Form 2 - Pressure
Question 5: Form 2 - Support System (Plants)
Question 6: Form 3 - Metal Sulphide
Question 7: Form 3 - Types of reproduction/Seed Germination
Question 8: Form 3 - Electric Circuit/Relationship resistance and current

Download here

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Perak Trial PMR 2009

Paper 1
Download here

Paper 2
Question 1: Form 1 - Matter
Question 2: Form 2 - Animals Support System
Question 3: Form 2 - Digestive System
Question 4: Form 3 - Electrical Transmission & Distribution System/Transformer
Question 5: Form 2 - Fotosynthesis
Question 6: Form 3 - Kidney
Question 7: Form 3 - Animals Fertilization
Question 8: Form 1 - Relationship between mass and volume
Download here

Answers : Download here

TQ to Cikgu Nurul.
For other subjects, you can download at Cikgu Nurul's Blog

Perlis Trial PMR 2009 (Paper 2)

Paper 2
Question 1: Form 1 - Chapter 1
Question 2: Form 2 - Pyramid Numbers, Food Chain
Question 3: Form 2 - Sound
Question 4: Form 3 - Magnetism
Question 5: Form 2 - Friction/Work
Question 6: Form 3 - Female Reproductive System
Question 7: Form 1 - Matter
Question 8: Form 3 - Transformer

Download here

Answers : Download here

TQ to
For other subjects, you can download at smkpbu's blog

Johor Trial PMR 2009 With Answers

Paper 1
Download here

Paper 2
Question 1: Form 2 - Ears
Question 2: Form 1 - Combustion
Question 3: Form 3 - Menstrual Cycle
Question 4: Form 2 - Nutrition (Food Pyramid, Food Test, Calorific Value)
Question 5: Form 1 - Heat
Question 6: Form 3 - Transformers
Question 7: Form 3 - Magnetism
Question 8: Form 2 - Solutions
Download here

Download here

Skima Trial PMR Kedah

Skima Peperiksaan Percubaan PMR Kedah 2009 cikgu dah uploadkan. Sila download di sini. Harap dapat membantu anak2 pelajar buat ulangkaji..Study Hard..PMR is just around the corner..Good Luck..:-)

Download here

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Kedah Trial PMR 2009

Paper 1
Download here

Paper 2
Question 1: Form 1 - Ear
Question 2: Form 2 - Digestion
Question 3: Form 2 - Electrolysis
Question 4: Form 1 - Density
Question 5: Form 3 - Reaction of metal and sulphur
Question 6: Form 3 - Electricity
Question 7: Form 2 - Responses of plants to stimuli
Question 8: Form 1 - Heat
Download here

TQ to Cikgu Wakuba...You can download trial pmr kedah for other subjects at Cikgu Wakuba's blog...

Monday, August 10, 2009

DPM: Those who started Maths, Science in English can continue

The Star

PERTH (Australia): Students who started studying Mathematics and Science in English can continue to do so until they finish their secondary school education.

Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin said he wanted to allay the concerns expressed by parents.

“The Cabinet discussed and agreed to this as some of my colleagues expressed their concerns about students who started studying the two subjects in English and would be in Years Four to Six, and Forms Four and Five when the new policy is implemented in 2012,” he told Malaysian media during a breakfast meeting at the end of his five-day working trip here. (He returned to Kuala Lumpur later in the evening.)

Muhyiddin who is Education Minister, said students who had started learning the two subjects in English would continue to be taught in English, and have the option of answering questions in either English or Bahasa Malaysia.

“This is what I meant by a “soft landing” as students will be given time to get used to the new policy,” he said.

When he announced last month that the Government had decided to reverse the Teaching of Mathematics and Science in English (PPSMI) policy and revert to Bahasa Malaysia in national schools and Chinese and Tamil in vernacular schools, he stressed that the Government wanted a “soft landing”.

This, he added, was why the new policy would begin in 2012, as this would enable the ministry to have enough time to make the necessary preparations.

The reversal in policy means that from 2012 students in Years One and Four and Forms One and Four in national primary and secondary schools would study the two subjects in Bahasa Malaysia while those in vernacular schools would be taught in their mother tongue (Chinese and Tamil).

The PPSMI policy was implemented in phases, beginning with Year One, Form One and Lower Six students in 2003.

At the same time, Muhyiddin said some schools with “different situations” could start teaching the two subjects in Bahasa Malaysia, but with the condition that students continue to be given the option of answering questions in either language.

Meanwhile, Muhyiddin apologised for the actions of the Federal Territory Education Department officers when asked about the 70 parents who found themselves locked out of SMK Seri Hartamas when they tried to convene an extraordinary general meeting (EGM) to discuss the reversal of the PPSMI policy.

“I apologise to the parents as it is not fair to them. They want to discuss important questions and are doing so in a proper manner.

“They are not doing it in the streets,” he said.

He said the education department officers should allow the parent-teacher associations (PTA) to express their feelings as it was only fair for them to do so.

“I am not a dictator and the PTA can submit their memorandum or letter to me,” he said.

SMK Sri Hartamas PTA vice-chairman Datin Noor Azimah Abdul Rahim said she and the others only wanted to express their views and not protest.

They had earlier obtained permission to hold the EGM at SMK Sri Hartamas but it was withdrawn on Friday resulting in the parents being forced to gather outside the school compound.

Muhyiddin said he was glad the PPSMI policy had benefited some students.

“They proved the policy could work but the problem is that it is isolated and (does) not (cater to) the whole country.

“I want to ask the community whether they think a flexible approach in a policy can be carried out,” he said.

On his meeting with Malaysian students in Perth, Muhyiddin said he had directed Malaysian High Commissioner to Australia Datuk Salman Ahmad and Consul-General of Malaysia to Western Australia Hamidah Ashari to look into the feasibility of setting up a Malaysian Students Department here.

“We need to know if we can afford it,” he said, adding there were 3,000 Malaysian students in Perth.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Sabah Trial PMR 2009

You can download Sabah Trial PMR 2009 paper at Cikgu Wakuba' s blog. Thank you Cikgu Wakuba.

Paper 1
Download here

Paper 2
Question 1: Form 1 - Energy
Question 2: Form 2 - Photosynthesis
Question 3: Form 2 - Work
Question 4: Form 2 - Stability
Question 5: Form 2 - Acid and alkali
Question 6: Form 3 - Magnetism
Question 7: Form 3 - Flowers
Question 8: Form 3 - Relationship between resistance & current
Download here

Friday, July 31, 2009

MRSM Trial PMR 2007

Paper 2
Question 1: Form 1 - Ears
Question 2: Form 1 - Matter
Question 3: Form 1 - Heat
Question 4: Form 3 - Sulphides & Carbonates
Question 5: Form 3 - Electricity
Question 6: Form 3 - Reproductive System
Question 7: Form 3 - Animals Classifications
Question 8: Form 2 - Evaporation
Download here

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

SBP Trial PMR 2007

Paper 1
Download here

Paper 2
Question 1: Form 3 - Flower
Question 2: Form 3 - Fractional distillation
Question 3: Form 1 - Matter
Question 4: Form 3 - Menstruation
Question 5: Form 2 - Acid and alkali
Question 6: Form 2 - Stability
Question 7: Form 2 - Plants classificaions
Question 8: Form 3 - Relationship between resistance and current
Download here

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

English teachers in rural areas to get extra incentives


SEREMBAN: English teachers will be given additional incentives to teach in rural schools, said Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin.

He said these incentives would be over and above those already accorded to teachers currently serving in rural areas.

“We have no choice but to do this as the command of English among pupils in rural schools is poor,” he said.

Muhyiddin said the ministry had yet to finalise the additional incentives.

He said the ministry would also send the best English teachers to these schools to help pupils.

“The ministry has in principle agreed to place the best English teachers in these schools. Good English teachers will be given priority if they want to move to these schools,” he said.

Muhyiddin said the concept would be similar to “Teach For Australia” where good teachers volunteered to serve in remote areas to help pupils who did not have access to facilities common in urban areas.

“We will model our programme after the one in Australia. Teachers must be prepared to make sacrifices and we will in return grant them additional incentives,” he said.

Since 2007, teachers posted to remote areas were given a special allowance of either RM1,500, RM1,000 or RM500 depending on the location they were in.

He was speaking to reporters after opening the National Headmasters’ Education Convention and the National Headmasters Council delegates conference here.

Muhyiddin said the ministry would also set up special English laboratories and encourage English literature in schools.

Another measure is to get retirees to teach.

“We are also looking at the content of the curriculum to ensure the teaching of English is effective,” he said adding that teachers would also be encouraged to use teaching aids such as the linguaphone.

(Linguaphone is one of the world’s leading language training provider of self-study and assisted learning language training solutions).

On the additional 13,000 English teachers the ministry hoped to recruit in the next few years, he said most would be from public and private universities and language institutes.

He said less than 10 per cent would be foreign teachers.

Friday, July 17, 2009

New English curriculum in schools by 2012


KUALA LUMPUR: The Education Ministry will draw up a new English curriculum that will be implemented in schools by 2012.

“We’re calling experts from the universities, NGOs (non-governmental organisations) and various bodies to discuss how we can establish a good English curriculum,” ministry director-general Tan Sri Alimuddin Mohd Dom said when officiating a National Union of Teaching Profession (NUTP) seminar Friday.

“This will be done in a span of four to five months from now.”

Alimuddin urged the public not to worry about a perceived decline in the standard of English when Mathematics and Science are taught in Bahasa Malaysia.

“I’m sure with the new strategy of Memartabatkan Bahasa Malaysia, Memperkukuhkan Bahasa Inggeris (Upholding Bahasa Malaysia, Strengthening English) and new approaches to teaching English, standards will improve,” he said.

Alimuddin said there had also been some negative feedback over his previous comment to siphon time away from other subjects for English, adding that the ministry would consider restructuring the entire timetable.

Alimuddin also announced that five teacher training colleges would be training teachers solely for English Language in three years’ time.

They are Institut Pendidikan Bahasa-Bahasa Antarabangsa, Institut Pendidikan Guru Malaysia Kampus Dato’ Razali Ismail, English Language Teaching Centre and two others in Sabah and Sarawak.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

MRSM Trial PMR 2008

Paper 1
Download here

Paper 2
Question 1: Form 3 - Sun
Question 2: Form 2 - Support System
Question 3: Form 2 - Food Web
Question 4: Form 1 - Density
Question 5: Form 1 - Air Around Us
Question 6: Form 1 - Heat
Question 7: Form 2 - Lever
Question 8: Form 3 - Germination of Seeds
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Apa dah jadi budak sekolah zaman sekarang?


Two 13-year-old girls were beaten up for 30 minutes by a group of schoolgirls at, of all places, a mosque last month.

Victim Azani Jusharmiela Mohd Jaafar showing the video clip of the assault that has been posted on the Internet. — NST picture by Aswadi Alias
The assault was recorded on a mobile phone and the matter was reported only two weeks later after a family member of one of the victims came across the video clip on the Internet.

The attack took place at 2.30pm on June 18, after Azani Jushar-miela Mohd Jaafar and her friend were forced to ride pillion on motorcycles ridden by three of their schoolmates, aged 14.

They were taken to the Felda Kertih mosque, some four kilometres away, and once inside, were beaten up by their seniors for almost 30 minutes. It was one of their attackers who recorded the assault on her handphone.

Both girls had to find their way home after the attack, and they kept the incident from their respective families.

This was until Jusharmiela's elder sister, Azani Juhaiza, 23, who had returned from Kuala Lumpur, heard rumours from neighbours that a video clip of the attack on her sister was on the Internet.

The clip was also being spread among students in the district.

Jusharmiela then confessed that she and her friend had been attacked over a misunderstanding with one of the seniors.

She also admitted that she had been traumatised as a result of the incident.

"I also found out that my sister and her friend had been suspended from school for three days last week, while two of her assailants were dismissed and another suspended for a few weeks," said Juhaiza.

Jusharmiela lodged a report at the Kuala Terengganu police headquarters at 8.30am yesterday.

State Criminal Investigation Department chief Assistant Commissioner Mohd Fauzi said the case would be transferred to the Dungun police station.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Johor Trial PMR 2008

Paper 1
Download here

Paper 2
Question 1: Form 1 - Cell
Question 2: Form 1 - Matter
Question 3: Form 2 - Digestion
Question 4: Form 3 - Transport System in Plants
Question 5: Form 2 - Force/Work/Power
Question 6: Form 3 - Calcium Carbonates
Question 7: Form 1 - Classification of Animals
Question 8: Form 3 - Voltage & Current
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*answers available

*Next Post : Trial PMR 2007

Pahang Trial PMR 2008

Paper 1
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Paper 2
Question 1: Form 1 - Cell
Question 2: Form 2 - Food Web
Question 3: Form 3 - Phloem & Xylem
Question 4: Form 1 - Matter
Question 5: Form 3 - Fractional Distillation
Question 6: Form 3 - Current & Resistance
Question 7: Form 1 - Elements & Compound
Question 8: Form 1 - Heat
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answers available

Friday, July 10, 2009

Sarawak Trial PMR 2008

Paper 2
Question 1: Form 1 - Cell
Question 2: Form 1 - The various resources on Earth
Question 3: Form 2 - Electrolysis
Question 4: Form 2 - Food Test
Question 5: Form 3 - Flowers & Pollination
Question 6: Form 3 - Electric Circuit
Question 7: Form 1 - Animals Classifications
Question 8: Form 2 - Solutions

Download Paper 1 & 2 here

Terengganu Trial PMR 2008

Paper 1
Download here

Paper 2
Question 1: Form 1 - Matter
Question 2: Form 1 - Method of Separation (Compound & Mixture)
Question 3: Form 2 - Animals Support System
Question 4: Form 2 - Digestion
Question 5: Form 1 - Oxygen in Respiration & Combustion
Question 6: Form 3 - Fractional Distillation
Question 7: Form 2 - Lever
Question 8: Form 2 - Germination of seed
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*answers included

Negeri Sembilan Trial PMR 2008

Paper 1
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Paper 2
Question 1: Form 2 - Ears
Question 2: Form 3 - Reproduction
Question 3: Form 1 - Combustion
Question 4: Form 2 - Electrolysis
Question 5: Form 3 - Electricity
Question 6: Form 2 - Stimuli & Responses in Plants
Question 7: Form 1 - Cell
Question 8: Form 2 - Heat
Download here

*answers included

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Melaka Trial PMR 2008

Paper 1
Download here

Paper 2
Question 1: Form 2 - 5 senses
Question 2: Form 1 - Respiration
Question 3: Form 3 - Effects of Smoking
Question 4: Form 2 - Force/Work
Question 5: Form 2 - Digestion
Question 6: Form 2 - Electrolysis
Question 7: Form 1 - Sources of Energy
Question 8: Form 3 - Voltage, Current & Resistance
Download here

Kelantan Trial PMR 2008

Paper 1
40 Questions

Paper 2
Question 1: Form 3 - Reproduction - Flower
Question 2: Form 1 - Composition of gases
Question 3: Form 2 - Acid & Alkali
Question 4: Form 2 - Interactions
Question 5: Form 3 - Growth
Question 6: Form 1 - Heat
Question 7: Form 1 - Density
Question 8: Form 1 - Combustion
Paper 1 & 2 Download here

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

It's BM from 2012

The Cabinet has decided that all national primary and secondary schools will teach Science and Mathematics in Bahasa Melayu beginning 2012.

Vernacular schools, meanwhile, will teach the subjects in either Chinese or Tamil respectively, Deputy Prime Minister and Education Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Mohd Yassin announced here today.He said the policy will be implemented in stages for Year One, Year Four, Form One and Form Four in 2012. The changes do not involve Form Six and Matriculation students.All examinations for Science and Mathematics will remain bilingual until 2014, so as to not jeopardise the performance of students under the current policy - Teaching of Science and Mathematics in English or its official abbreviation PPSMI (Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran Sains dan Matematik dalam Bahasa Inggeris).

"The Government made this decision after studying in detail the result of studies and close monitoring of the PPSMI by the Education Ministry and independent bodies since the policy was implemented in 2003," Muhyiddin said.

He said studies showed that PPSMI was never implemented as originally hoped. Instead, teachers were using both English and Bahasa Melayu to teach Science and Mathematics, and the gap between urban and rural schools in the two subjects grew wider after PPSMI was implemented.The Education Ministry monitored PPSMI in 2008 and found that only 8 per cent of teachers used English completely when teaching Science and Mathematics.

On average, English use was 53-58 per cent of the total time allocated for teaching the two subjects.The percentage of students that received grade A, B and C for Science and Mathematics in the Ujian Penilaian Sekolah Rendah (UPSR) exams also declined last year, in both urban and rural schools.Muhyiddin said the Trends in Mathematics and Science Study 2007, meanwhile, revealed that Malaysian students in Science slipped from 20th place in 2003 to 21st in 2007. For Mathematics, our students dropped from 10th placing in 2003 to 20th in 2007.

"Based on these data, the Government is confident that Science and Mathematics should be taught in a language that is easily understood by students, which is Bahasa Melayu in national and secondary schools, and Chinese and Tamil in vernacular schools," Muhyiddin said.At the same time, measures will be taken to strengthen the teaching and learning of English in schools, he added.

These include:
* Increasing the number of English teachers by 13,000, especially for rural schools.

* Teaching assistants for English will be allocated for large classes of more than 35 students in Years One and Two.

* Time allocated for English in Level 1 (Year One to Three) for national schools will be increased 90 minutes to 330 minutes a week, while for Level 2 (Year Four to Six) to 300 minutes a week.

* Time allocated for English in Level 1 at vernacular schools will be increased 100 per cent from 60 minutes to 120 minutes a week, and for Level 2 from 90 minutes to 120 minutes a week.

* Time allocated for English in Form One to Six will be added 80 minutes from 200 minutes to 280 minutes a week.

* Time allocated for Malaysian University English Test (MUET) in Form Six will be increased 80 minutes to 400 minutes a week.

* Time allocated for English in Matriculation courses will rise 100 per cent from three hours to six hours a week.

The ministry will also introduce a Contemporary English Literature Programme For Children to inculcate the reading habit and introduce elements of literature. English labs will be set up in schools to help students learn the language more effectively, incorporating information technology through the use of appropriate software.

To expose students to scientific terms, elements of science and technology will be absorbed into the teaching of English."With this decision, the Government is offering a new approach in the teaching of Science, Mathematics and English.

The Government believes that this new approach will strengthen Bahasa Melayu and English proficiency, and increase the capability of students to master science and technology, which is important for the country’s future," Muhyiddin said.

Math and Science back to Bahasa, mother tongues

KUALA LUMPUR: The Cabinet has decided that the medium of instruction for Maths and Science will revert to Bahasa Malaysia in national schools and mother-tongue languages in national-type schools from 2012 onwards.
The reversal of the Teaching of Math and Science in English (PPSMI) policy will be done in stages, Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin said on Wednesday.
He however added that there will be greater emphasis on learning the English language.
English literature will be re-introduced, as will subjects on grammar and composition.
Beginning 2012, students in Year One and Year Four in primary schools, and Form One and Form Four in secondary schools, will learn Math and Science in Bahasa Malaysia.
The change will not affect those in Form Six and Matriculation.
The two subjects will be taught in two languages until 2014 for other students, he said.
“The gap between rural and urban students has widened since PPSMI started.
“Only 19.2% of secondary teachers and 9.96% of primary teachers were sufficiently proficient in English,” he said, explaining the Government’s decision to revert to the old system.
On efforts to emphasise the learning of English, the number of English teachers would be increased by 13,933 -- retirees would be hired, as well as foreigners if need be.
Primary schools will also increase English classes by 90 minutes a week.
There have been calls from various groups for the policy to revert to before 2003, when the subjects were taught in Bahasa Malaysia in national schools, and either in Chinese or Tamil in national-type schools.
The issue has seen a rare alliance between Malay and Chinese educationists, who are against the switch, although there are also calls by many parents and entrepreneurs for English to be maintained.

DPM to make announcement on the use of English to teach Mathematics and Science (PPSMI)


MUAR: The Cabinet will decide today (8 July 2009) on the use of English to teach Mathematics and Science, said Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin.

He said he would table a paper on the matter to the Cabinet, which would then decide on it.

“Whatever its decision, it will not be due to pressure from any party or groups and it should not be viewed as politically inclined.

“The Education Ministry has carried out studies and I will table the results before the Cabinet tomorrow,” Muhyiddin said after attending the Gerak Bakti UPSR programme here.

“While we decide on the use of English in the teaching of the subjects, we also need to look out for our children’s future,” he added yesterday.

Muhyiddin, who is also Education Minister, said he had met and compiled views from various groups and non-governmental organisations on the matter, among them former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

He said all views would be submitted to the Cabinet, adding that it would not decide hastily and would give importance to the needs of students and the country’s educational system.

“Tomorrow evening, I will outline in detail the ways for English to be taught. The Cabinet decision will be final,” he added.

Sources familiar with the decision said that Muhyiddin, who would meet the press after lunch, felt that it was time for a firm decision as the matter had dragged on long enough and a further delay would just “add to the confusion”.

There have been calls from various groups for the policy to revert to before 2003, when the subjects were taught in Bahasa Malaysia in national schools, and either in Chinese or Tamil in national-type schools.

The issue has seen a rare alliance between Malay and Chinese educationists, who are against the switch, although there are also calls by many parents and entrepreneurs for English to be maintained.

One ministry official said there were three ways for Muhyiddin, who had looked at all the arguments and found all sides had merit, to resolve the issue.

“Firstly, he could decide to maintain the present system and set another deadline for a further review. Secondly, he could reverse the medium of instruction to that of pre-2003.

“Thirdly, he could make the teaching of Mathematics and Science in primary school in Bahasa Malaysia and the vernacular languages, and in English for secondary schools,” said the official.

However, sources said the third option was the least likely as it would make it difficult for the students, who would already have a poor command of English.

They said Muhyiddin had expressed his disappointment with the standard of English taught in schools as he was well aware of its importance.

“Whatever the decision, improving the command of English will be given great importance,” said the official, adding that Muhyiddin would have to be mindful of the political implications of this issue before deciding.

It is a balancing act between the importance of the national language and the need to arm children with English to face the globalised world.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Re-inventing education


THERE is a need to review, revamp and re-invent the development and delivery of education, allowing for greater flexibility and creativity.

Limkokwing University of Creative Technology president Tan Sri Dr Lim Kok Wing said it was time for a new Commonwealth model to be considered.

“One that effectively accommodates the different needs of a country; one that builds the people first and then the economy.

“This re-invention must happen if there is to be transformation so that every young person is purposefully educated, and has a part to play and a stake in moving their country forward,” he said at the stakeholders’ forum during the recent 17th Conference of Commonwealth Education Ministers.

The other forums held were for youth, vice-chancellors and teachers.

Dr Lim said this was an urgent mission as holding on to irrelevant systems and models will continue to serve only a tiny fraction of those in the Commonwealth.

“Urgent because only by unleashing the massive talents of one billion young people and opening up opportunities to them, can we truly say we achieved the Common – Wealth which literally means our ‘common well-being’,” he said, adding that this was the founding principle of the organisation.

“It should be our common mission going forward if we are to stay true to the spirit of that word — Commonwealth,” he added.

Dr Lim said many governments in the Commonwealth adopted the British system of education “wholesale” even after independence, because the systems and methodologies were already in place.

“It was a one-size-fits-all solution that worked at that time.

“The British system, as good as it was, is not applicable to many Commonwealth countries that are struggling to develop,” he said.

Dr Lim said what was common was really not common at all as it did not take into account the differing socio-economic development stages of the countries.

It did not take into account that other than a colonial past, most of these countries had little in common in terms of heritage and traditions with the West.

“What we have in common is our history, our bonds to the United Kingdom and the legacy of the English language,” he said.

It also did not take into account that in many parts of the Commonwealth, a Western style education was accessible only to the wealthy and privileged — in a nutshell, the elite, he said.

This, he added, reinforced the divide between rich and poor people within a country and between communities.

But, he added, problems do not go away, they fester and become bigger problems.

“What then do we call education systems that are at odds with the reality of life for most of the world?” he asked.

In many Commonwealth countries, Dr Lim said millions have not stepped into a classroom while enrolment and completion ratios of education are among the lowest in the world.

“What is very clear is that very few get started and even fewer make it to the finishing line.

“The question we must ask ourselves must be are we doing enough in education and it’s not just about whether we are spending enough,” he said.

Tips and Techniques for self study

Report Card Day has come and gone for most schools. Students sitting for SPM PMR would have gotten either praises J or scolding L from their parents.
Here’s some study tips for those of you starting to panic, worry, sweating, pressured etc etc.

First Key
Focus 100% on only 1 thing at any given time.
Concentrate fully on that task for that time. DO NOT allow anything to distract you, and that means NO sms, NO phone calls, NO chatting.
Let’s say you decide to learn Chap 3 of Form 4 Physics – Pressure for the next 1 hour. Then please commit to Focus 100% on that for 1 hour.
Most people (and that includes adults too) live through distraction the whole day. The world is getting more and more ADD, probably due to more and more distractions in our lives. Therefore, many people do not realize the POWER and EFFECTIVENESS of focusing 100% on something, even though it’s only for a short period of time.

Second Key
Use Time Budgeting Technique.
Budget a time for your lesson. Let’s take the example of learning Chap 3 of Form 4 Physics – Pressure. Let’s say you decide to allocate 3 hours to complete the chapter, then stick to the 3 hours. Meaning you don’t give yourself excuses and do something else in that 3 hours. (toilet break is acceptable J)
It doesn’t matter whether the time allocated is enough or not. What matters is you learn the habit of FOCUSING 100% on a given task. I guarantee after FOCUSING 100% for 3 hours, you’ll definitely see significant improvement of understanding in that Chapter.
Please stop after 3 hours. Don’t over shoot your budgeted time. Learn to be disciplined.
You can be flexible – but please understand that if you’re always flexible with your time, you’ll not have enough time to finish your syllabus. Learn to balance flexibility with discipline.

Third Key
Chunk Down your lessons.
Slice your budgeted 3 hours into smaller lessons. Preferably complete the lessons within a day or 2. Maximum 3 days if the chapter is long.
For example – you may decide to study 1 hour each lesson. You can study 1 hour in the morning, 1 hour in the evening and then another hour the next morning. (Remember to give 100% FOCUS to the subject matter in that 1 hour)

Fourth Key
Don’t sit.
That’s right, you heard me the first time. Stand up and look down at your books on the table, or hold the book up with your hands and read it standing over your desk. Do that periodically over your lesson time – I suggest to stand for 5 – 10 min. Or better still, hold the book or your notes and pace a while around your table.
Why? You’ll be less sleepy this way.

Fifth Key
Create a study environment that you like.
If you like music, then study with music. If you like to munch snacks, then study with snacks. If you like cold, then study with the air-cond blasting. (BUT – please make sure you’re giving 100% FOCUS to your lessons and not your snacks!)
Try it out – You’ll be amazed with the Power of 100% Focus

Credit to

SBP Trial PMR 2008

Paper 1
Download here

Paper 2
Question 1: Form 1 - Matter
Question 2: Form 1 - Respiration
Question 3: Form 2 - Food Test
Question 4: Form 2 - Animals Support System
Question 5: Form 3 - Transpiration
Question 6: Form 3 - Growth
Question 7: Form 3 - Electric Circuit
Question 8: Form 2 - Force
Download here

Selangor Trial PMR 2008

Paper 1
Download here

Paper 2
Question 1: Form 2 - Ears
Question 2: Form 1 - Combustion
Question 3: Form 2 - Digestive System
Question 4: Form 2 - Air Pressure
Question 5: Form 2 - Acid and alkali
Question 6: Form 3 - Generation of electricity
Question 7: Form 2 - Plants Support System
Question 8: Form 3 -Transpiration
Download here

Perak Trial PMR 2008

Paper 1
Download here

Paper 2

Question 1: Form 2 - Ears
Question 2: Form 3 - Blood Circulatory System
Question 3: Form 1 - Matter
Question 4: Form 2 - Lever
Question 5: Form 2 - Digestive System
Question 6: Form 1 - Heat
Question 7: Form 3 - Asexual Reproduction
Question 8: Form 1 - Combustion
Download here

Friday, July 3, 2009

SPM: 10 subjects max from 2010 onwards


It’s official -- all students will be able to take a maximum of only 10 subjects in the Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia examination from 2010 onwards, said Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin.
The only exceptions would be students in the joint science and religious stream who will be allowed to take 11 subjects next year until the curriculum is streamlined by 2011, after which they too will be able to take a maximum of 10 subjects.
“This means all students would be taking a maximum of 10 subjects in the SPM from 2011 onwards whether they are in national, independent or private schools,” he told reporters after chairing the Commonwealth ministerial meeting at the 17th Conference of Commonwealth Education Ministers at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre.
Muhyiddin, who is also Education Minister, said the six core subjects in the SPM -- Bahasa Melayu, English, Islamic Education or Moral Studies, History, Mathe­matics and Science -- would remain the same.
“However those in the science stream are exempted from taking Science so this means they take five core subjects and can choose five elective subjects,” he said.
The same applies to those in the religious stream as they would be exempted from taking Islamic Education, while those in the joint science and religious stream were exempted from Islamic Education and Science.
He said changes would be made to the SPM open certificate introduced in 2000 where students could take six core subjects and any other elective subject as long as there was no clash in the timetable.
Muhyiddin said the rationale behind the decision was to ensure students had more time for extra-curricular activities.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

KedahTrial PMR 2008

Paper 2
Question 1: Form 1 - Matter
Question 2: Form 3 - Pollinating agents
Question 3: Form 2 - Food Web
Question 4: Form 3 - Fractional Distillation
Question 5: Form 2 - Photosynthesis
Question 6: Form 3 - Electrical power transmission system
Question 7: Form 2 - Plants Support System
Question 8: Form 1 - Heat
Download here

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Perlis Trial PMR 2008

Paper 1
40 Questions

Paper 2
Question 1 : Form 1 -Heat
Question 2 : Form 2 - Electrolysis
Question 3 : Form 3 -Plant Fertilisation
Question 4 : Form 1 - Matter
Question 5 : Form 2 - Food Test
Question 6 : Form 3 - Power Transmission and Distribution System
Question 7 : Form 2 - Animals Support System
Question 8 : Form 1 - Combustion

Paper 1 and Paper 2 download here.

Wouldn't it be great..

"Wouldn't it be great if we remembered everything we learn? When we study "hard" we gain a better understanding of a topic and can retain the knowledge longer, this saves time not having to refresh or relearn something, we carry the knowledge with us"

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Dates for PMR amended

The Star

PETALING JAYA: The Penilaian Menengah Rendah (PMR) examination will be held over two weeks in October.

Form Three students would sit for the examination from Oct 7 to 9, and from Oct 12 to 13.

Education director-general Datuk Alimuddin Mohd Dom said the dates for the PMR examination had already been amended once as the original schedule ended too near Deepavali, which would be celebrated on Oct 17.

“It cannot start from Monday (Oct 5) as it is too early,” he said.

The PMR examination which was split into two months last year – with papers in October and November, was later changed to one week in October following complaints from parents and students over the split in dates.

The dates for the other examinations, including the Ujian Pencapaian Sekolah Rendah, would be from Sept 8 to 10, Sijil Tinggi Agama Malaysia from Oct 19 to 21, and Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) from Nov 19 to Dec 16.

On complaints by several Form Five students that they were unable to register for certain subjects in the SPM examination due to a clash in the timetable, Alimuddin advised them to write to Malaysian Examinations Syndicate (MES) director Datuk Dr Salbiah Ismail.

Petals, a Form Five student from Sekinchang, Selangor, had said in a letter to the editor, that he and his classmates who are from the Science stream wanted to take Basic Economics but were informed by their teacher that it would be held at the same time and date as the Biology paper.

He urged the MES to look into the matter, adding that since the SPM would only start in mid-November, there was still time to reshuffle the timetable.


CARA MUDAH INGAT - MNEMONIK UJIAN MAKANAN (SAINS TINGKATAN 2 - BAB 3) Klik sini untuk video. Kredit kepada  Cikgu Rosmaini Abdullah